Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Live, Learn, Love

Us three girls may have all been raised in the same home, but we each have created different families and homes of our own. (Although we can usually find things pretty quick in each others' kitchens... in some ways we think alike). Since we all have different husbands - who lucky for us all like to hang together - different kids, and different talents, what is REALITY for each of us is different. If we get hung up on comparing our lives, children, and homes, we'd never be content. Instead, we try to enjoy what we are good at, work to thrive in our unique situations, but still learn from each others' strengths.
I will probably never see a home with the artistic eye that Nicole has. But she has taught me tips and tricks to help me enjoy decorating more without feeling like I have to be as good as her. She has shown me how to make things that seemed overwhelming and impossible simpler. And when I just can't, she does it for me (that's my favorite way - ha!).  She's also given me the kind of advice I use and pass on to other people so that I sound wise.
Shauna does not ever seem overwhelmed by recipes or parenting her boys with different needs, when I shut down just even thinking about half of what she does without flinching. But I've been able to pick up tricks, tips, and bravery from her when I've needed it and improve my cooking and parenting - but with my own style and twist.
Both my sisters have many more talents than I mentioned, but my point is that we are able to learn from each other in a way that lifts and refreshes. We don't HAVE to do things the same. But we can delight in each others' talents and find ways to enjoy our own homes and families more as we borrow ideas from each other.
Our hope is to pass this on to anyone who cares to follow our blog! We never want to discourage or make you think you're not enough. What we really want to do is help you feel that you can tackle something you thought you couldn't but wanted to, share tips and tricks to make things easier, help you find more joy in your day to day, or just take some pressure off by telling you what to make for dinner.
We'd also love to hear your own tips and tricks! Always feel free to comment and share! Thanks for joining us.
- Rachael

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